Ucuk: Sleepyhead does a My Elixir

You wanna meet my precious lil Ucuk

Expozing Myself: Sleepyhead does a Nagakayu

I got soooo bored last night. Got nothing to do. So I thought I'd snap a coupla pics of myself.....
You wanna see me in sexiest position?

You see my unique pose? Eheh, I usually do it by the road side but only when there's no one around.

Here is me waiting for ahkak Nagakayu or ahkak Paku to cook lunch. Just lounging under the dining table. Yup! My favorite place of all.

As a sleepyhead I CAN'T not have a blankie. Here it is... me and my blankie. We're the closest of frens, my blankie and I.

I also took a pic of me on my bed. Hee...hee..

Jangan mara aa ahkak Nagakayu, nanti kena juall!!!!!

UK 101

To those who, all their lives, have had the affinity towards valuable information or general knowledge the following facts might not be anything new. However, to me the ALLTIME HERMIT, this info is news for my coming years as being a student and a full-time slacker here in the UK.

UK - short for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - was formed from the merger between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland in 1801. Before that, the Kingdom of Great Britain was formed as a result of a merger between the kingdoms of England and Scotland. Currently, the UK consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

England in itself is subdivided into three types of areas which are non-unitary authorities, unitary authorities and London boroughs. Since it might take the whole of 2004 for yours truly to explain, you might wanna read about them here.
There, that explains why I always have a headache when I try to associate a particular name of place with its physical location. Mind boggling! You never know whether it's a borough, a county, or a state.

UK's current Prime Minister is Tony Blair, although it might change anytime soon judging from several major events taking place this week. Amongst them are UK's bid for the 2012 Olympics, the report about the murder of Dr Robert Kelly and the military kit shortages problem. At least the Defense Secretary, Geoff Hoon, is definitely under fire since the exposure of serious military equipment shortages by a widow of a military officer who died because he had to give up his body armour as there were not enough to go around.

UK's favorite words, in my books, are KNACKERED, SHATTERED and GUTTED (pronounced in intense, guttural sound). Why do they like to use these words? Beats me! I think they only sound sexy when they are being uttered by cute 'Shattered' contestant Chris. Otherwise, they sound completely British (read: offputting).

Finally, this has got to be UK's ugliest car. No, wait! It's UK's second ugliest car. Put that in yellow and hey, presto! you got yourself UK's BUTT (pardon the rude language) UGLIEST car. Apart from the unimaginative name of 'Ka', its bodystyle has got to be the most uncreative design I've ever seen. What was the designer thinking??!!

On another note, I got this hilarious link from a friend.

My First Book Review

Someone (Thank you, you!) suggested that I write a review about a book I read. I was pretty reluctant at first seeing how rusty my English is lately. But somehow I tried to muster up the courage to do it and guess what?! It's published! It might not sound as 'book review'-ish as I might like but hey, at least I tried. You can read it here.

Dress My Neck

The winter season in Surrey is not that harsh. You can sometimes still walk around without putting on your long johns. A sweater and a coat would suffice. HOWEVER, that fact does not suppress my obsession for the above scarf and glove set. Eheh, hey! It's nothing fancy. Just a normal winter wear you see every Jane or Jennifer or Julie or even the occasional Nan-Li or Oshin wearing. But, you don't normally see a Aminah, Fatimah or Zaharah wearing them. Since I'll only be experiencing winter once in the next, oh maybe 4 years, I have consoled myself that it's not really an item on the top of my NEED list. However, how do you differ between what you NEED and what you WANT when the WANT just obsessively materialises in your dreams and in your mind when you eat or take a shower that you freakishly hallucinate every hour and think that it definitely IS what you NEED? Ok, so it can't be worn in the summer or the spring or maybe fall, ok so I dont really need the scarf, just the gloves, but it SO matches my ADIDAS sling bag. How can you top that as a reason to buy it??? Eheh.

Tripping 1: To Beetle or Not To Beetle

I have been putting off writing about my recent trip to the middle earth, eh!, part, of the British Isles mainly because it would be redundant since all my friends have written about it in their blogs. You can read about them here, here and here. Having said that, it seems the urge to write about it is still there. Heh. So here goes. It might not be as exciting a description as my friends' but what the heck!
Of course, the trip wouldn't have happened without a ride and well hey there! here comes the ride. It was a Volkswagen Beetle....NOT! Heh, well it only LOOKED like the Beetle. This distant cousin of hers is called Nissan Micra 1.2. A small, compact but very well-built car. It managed to house a whole lot of duvets under its teeny weeny boot. The duvets were the result of a lack of sleepingbags. Hey, how were we supposed to know that sleepingbags would come in handy??!We've only been here a coupla months.
Anyways, we got our ride from Enterprise Rent-a-Car. Word got around that it's one of the cheapest rental agency around town. It was either that or Kendall. Anyways, having experienced the process of renting a car, I find a few lessons to be learnt. Heh, leave it to me to be the 'skema', sensible type to come up with lessons to be learnt.
1. Always ask or HAGGLE your way to a deal that suits you most. Don't be shy or afraid to negotiate. The people at the agency are usually friendly enough to entertain your haggling.
2. You have to ask the minute details of the insurance coverage for the car if you are not already told about it. You might think that you got a cheap price for a car only to find out an accident or so later that you have to foot the bill yourself.
3. Do not leave the agency without inspecting the car for dents or damages. Failure to do so might result in you being held responsible for the crime you didn't commit when you return the car.
4. Last but not least, jangan gila stereng! Hehe. Do ask the reps first about every nook and cranny of the car, which buttons to push, which buttons NOT to push, yadda, yadda, yadda before you go on taking a joy ride. Otherwise, you might end up opening the hood when you want to fill up the tank. AhkakNaga sure paham kan? Eheh *wink* *wink*.
Needless to say, the Micra purred like a cream-filled kitten when we took it under our wings, or is it the other way around?!.Anyways, it was a breeze to drive except for the 30-million enjin mampos. Kih Kih.

VW Beetle's little sister

The Life of Pi

I've been spending the remnants of my holiday reading this marvellous book by Yann Martel. Actually, I started reading it during my exam week. Drat, that devil who seduced me into reading it eventhough I had vowed to myself that it would be read ONLY and ONLY IF I finished my exams. Needless to say, I couldnt put it down! I had to stash it under my bed to prevent myself from being a sleeplessinsurrey. Anyways, the verdict? I consider it one of the best books that I've read so far. However, I was a bit saddened by the ending. But, like Pi was thinking, people would prefer to hear the happy version of things in life.