This is how it goes...

so the weather has been awful so far. That's the first bad news since I landed. I knew it was too good to be true. First it was at the immigrations. I was sweating buckets worrying if I wouldn't be let into this cold damp country. What with my wheezing cough and horrid sweaty face. Indian looking Britsh officer said Hi and I hello'd back. How long are you gonna stay? Approximately a month, sir. Finished your bachelor's degree? (confused but flattered) Ahem, yes. What's your purpose of coming here? Erm to take exams. Ok, have a good evening. (Yay!!!!) You too, cheers. It went like a breeze. Not like the first time I was here. Felt like a farm animal. Must have been the multiple stamps from myriad of European countries on my passport, eheh. Next, received a call from Kelana Convoy tour guide, Mr S. Assalamualaikum. Waalaikummussalam. Weh ko dah sampai ka? Ya, ya baru keluar terminal 3. Ohoh. Hah Tunggu...sweet sue ngan classmate ko akan amik ko. Hah! Ye ke? Ya ya. Tenkiu Mr S. Okok no problem. Yay! Saves me from taking the Woking Railair. Next, called sweet sue. Kat mana tu? Nak masuk parking. Akak tunggu kat 'Pick up Only'. Okok. Blue Ford Escort passes by. Three people came out. Huh? Sani boy? I thought it was gonna be Lond. Sleepyhead, how are you? Same old greeting from Sani Boy. Good, nice to see you. Salam salam. hug hug (not with Sani Boy lah!) and get into car. Next, Sweet Sue suggested. Nak gi Mawar? Akak mana tau jalan. Sani, do u want to taste Malaysian food? What? At this hour? Yes. Alright, let's gamble. After about an hour and a half reach deserted parking lot. Car got parked. Took coat. Got out. Hot damn! or rather Fricking freezing damn! The weather was cooooooldd. My cough got worse. My lungs hurt and my breasts were sporting goosebumps (Kinkiness not intentional). They say it's gonna be one cold winter here. But at least I got my first meal here in the form of Nasi Goreng Special Mawar and Mango juice, served by Mr. S no less! So yeah...that is how it goes.