I know of a sister whose circle of kawans call themselves Gang Badak. They seem to stick together through thick and thin; although now due to the distance and personal life development they don't convene for a beach side picnic as often as they used to.
I know of a sister who likes to go shopping alone without any kawans cuz according to her it is much easier; not having to wait on each other or follow only one kawan's whims.
I know of a brother whose close kawan sadly passed away and him being a close kawan could not keep his eyes dry even though he is known to be sometimes expressionless.
I know of a brother whose kawan......errr.... is our next-door neighbour called A$%i and fast becoming Joe's other kawan.
But I, unfortunately, have no kawan at the moment. No kawan for lunch, no kawan for shopping, no kawan to chat......kawans have either gone to Sabah or to a course that they forget to tell me about. One particular kawan used to be a shopping and lunch kawan; is now getting farther away as she thinks she is progressing in the food chain. I have had many experiences regarding kawans. I think I will survive this one kawan......oh well, got another kawan asking me to join her at Tesco for a beriyani lunch.......ok lah tu!
Posted in: on June 24, 2008 at at 11:35:00 AM
am not ur friend anymore?