I have never been...

lucky before, at winning things. I've never won any prizes from a lucky draw, never won any competition that I entered, never received freebies from anywhere. Imagine my surprise when while I was doing such a mundane thing as grocery shopping a siren suddenly went off. I stared inquisitively at the cashier girl and she smiled suspiciously. Then, a couple of workers from the hypermarket approached me and said that, drumroll please! I won something. Eheh. Not something grand. Just some shopping vouchers. Now I have next month's grocery bill taken care of. If you do recognize me lookout for our photos at the hypermarket.

*Kak Ida's birthday was yesterday. Happy Birthday Kakak! Age is but a number, yo!

*It's been a great few days Kak Zai. See, it's not you that I hate. It's them. And next time DO let me choose the movies. I have much better taste, ahem.

*We spent the weekend at an inn in Segamat making babies. Let's see if those pills will do anything.

*Condolences to Anis & Ali. May he/she rest in peace.